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Luxury Real Estate In Israel - What is the Current state of the Luxury Real Estate Market in Savyon

The luxury apartment's market in Israel, which constitutes about 0.5% of the total housing market, has become increasingly sought after in recent years.

The majority of luxury real estate in Israel is concentrated on the coastal plain area, which stands out for its advantages. The properties in Savyon are built on large plots of land, with large interior and exterior spaces and a careful architectual design.

With the onset of Covid 19 there has been a global shift in real estate prices in the direction of a sustained rise. The situation is also true for Israel, hence even the prices of luxury real estate rose considerably.

Savyon has always been a sought-after destination due to its nature and large plots.

It has always been characterized by low real estate prices compared to other luxury areas in Israel. Currently Savyon has also changed it's trend towards a raise in prices.

Today, following a huge leverage of the high-tech industry, paradoxically considering the distress of the economy / small business, a lot of capital has entered the market, raising the demand for luxury properties.

At present, due to rising sales and declining propertie's availability, the market has become categorically a sellers market.

Properties which have been on the market for years sold in recent months at their asking prices.

Will there be a change?

On the face of it, it does not seem so. The Corona has recalculated the property owner's value assessment. If there was a desire to move to luxury towers, the tendency today is to prefer private homes over meeting neighbors in elevators and in general associating with crowds.

A situation of constant and growing demand in the face of low supply has led to a significant increase in the prices of houses and plots in Savyon.

Land pricing is a function of size, topography and location. The availability of plots is scarce, therefore old houses potentially become plots and pricing is evaluated in accordance including the value of the built property.

Can I find “Secret” Properties Off-Market?

Unlike any other markets, the luxury residential market in Israel, especially in Savyon, has different and unique characteristics, and functions differently from the general real estate market. This is a very specific targeted audience which follows different standards.The real estate broker must abide by being attentive to their specific needs and requests.

In addition, it is a market which requires discretion, respect and sensitivity as the properties are valuable and precious to their owners.

Therefore, when looking for the perfect luxury property, it is recommended contacting an expert in the field, who has exclusivity on luxury properties which are usually not offered in the market, but through a brokerage.

Where Can I Find A Market Expert?

Meet Anat Harran, owner of Anat Harran Luxury Real Estate Consultants & Brokerage -

A business which focuses on providing luxury real estate consulting services and quality properties in Savyon. Anat offers a wide range of properties, from private homes and plots for sale and rent.

Based on a long career in real estate and impressive achievements, Anat offers her vast experience and knowledge in serving her clients. Thanks to the hard work she has invested over the years In the field of luxury real estate, most of her customers come to her mainly from word of mouth recommendations.

What Makes Anat Different?

As part of her work, Anat places emphasis on reliability, trustworthiness and personal integrity, while maintaining constant contact with the client and updating him throughout the process of buying, selling, renting out or renting the property in all its aspects.

"It is important for me to ensure that my clients enter the process mature and aware of all the various issues related to the transaction they are about to make. At the beginning of the process, clients receive a complete overview of all relevant information pertaining to the process: planning, legal and tax information and more. The goal is to create certainty and uniformity in all information regarding the property / transaction, and to reflect it all in a clear and accessible manner."

In addition, Anat collaborates with other professionals such as lawyers, engineers and architects who contribute added value to the advice she provides to her clients.

Anat's vision is to fulfill the dreams of the customers who turn to her, while addressing their requests and needs in a way which holds a memory of an enjoyable experience.

“The Client Stands First”

"One of the things which characterizes me as a luxury real estate consultant is the personal connection with the client. The client comes first. This profession needs a lot of empathy, knowing how to give everyone the exact service and full attentive attention. I take special care in maintaining a devout relationship with my customers. In working with clients, one of the most important things is the ability to adhere to a pleasant and respectful manner so I can understand in depth what their expectations are throughout the process. "


Every real estate transaction has significant economic and financial aspects, which are directly affected by the choice of the right professional, who will lead to the best result in the selling and / or buying process, especially in a high quality competitive market as Savyon.

Therefore, the best choice will be the services of a professional, such as Anat Harran, who aims to lead in her field of Luxury Real estate, with great professionalism and inspiration as a real estate consultant's office working in a different and unique way.

Precise work and customer satisfaction is what makes Anat Haran's real estate office one of the strongest and leading offices in the field of luxury real estate.

Contact Anat Today:

Phone: 052-6595535

Address: 24 Ha'Reches st.Savyon



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